Matrix offers multiple ways to search for listings using listing criteria. Read on below for common ways to search by property type using the easy functionality available as part of your OneKey subscription. There are several common field types that you can utilize like pick lists, number fields, and multi-select fields. Use radio buttons to further customize your criteria.
1. From the main menu, hover on Search to see the most common search types. Click on Search or More... to see all your options.
2. Click on your desired search type. Cross Property allows you to search by multiple property types in one search.
3. Select your desired Status(es).
4. If desired, enter a date or days range. Or click the calendar icon to to select dates. Enter a range by including a hyphen between two numbers (for example, 0-180), or indicate a minimum by adding a + at the end of the number (for example 3+), or indicate a maximum by adding a - at the end of the number (for example 3-).
5. Select the desired options by clicking in the checkbox.
6. Click the multi-select icon or start typing your desired option. Then select from the resulting options.
7. Click the multi-select pop up icon.
8. In the Available Options select or deselect multiple options hold down CTRL as you select or deselect desired options. Click Add to add them to Current Selections. Click Remove to remove items from the Current Selections.
9. Click Not to indicate that you do not want the results with the selected items. Click And to indicate that you want results with all selected items. Or leave the radio button at Or to indicate that you want results with any of the selected items.
10. Enter the first few characters of the name, then select the appropriate name. Repeat the process for multiple towns.
11. Enter the price, to indicate a range use a hyphen between two numbers (for example 500-600), indicate a minimum by entering a number with a + at the end (for example 500+), or indicate a maximum by entering a number with a - at the end (for example 600-).
12. Click Add Additional Fields to add criteria options to the screen using a pick list. The number of matches appears at the bottom of the screen. A maximum number of 5000 matches can be returned at one time. Click Map to see your results on a map.
13. Click Results
14. To revise your criteria, click on the Criteria
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