In this post-NAR Settlement environment, it's more important that ever to understand the new requirements established by the settlement and be able to articulate the value you bring to buyers and win their business. In this intro we'll discuss the requirement and the components of this class that may be viewed individually or in their entirety.
Remember that a written agreement must be in place prior to a buyer touring any listing. That agreement must specify and conspicuously disclose compensation amount or rate or how this amount will be determined. It must be objectively ascertainable and not open-ended. And compensation may not be received by a participant from any source that exceeds the amount or rate agreed to in the agreement with the buyer. And no mention of compensation may be included in the MLS.
This is a great opportunity to break out the conversation about compensation in new ways, establish rapport, and set expectations at the outset of your interactions.
Learn more through the Winning Buyer Business learning path.