Update your auto email criteria to make changes to the type of matches the system will find for your listings or edit your auto email settings to change information like the email body content, frequency of the emails, or other details.
To edit your auto email in Matrix Classic:
1. From the main page, select the Auto Email option from the My Matrix drop-down menu.
2. Open the Menu Bar by clicking the 🔽 next to the Auto Email you want to edit.
3. From the Menu Bar select either Settings or Criteria
To Edit Settings:
1. Make any desired changes and click Save
To Edit Criteria:
1. Make any desired changes and click Save
2. Make any desired settings changes and click Save.
To edit your auto email in New Matrix:
1. From the Auto Email menu, click the down arrow beside the desired auto email.
2. Click either Settings or Criteria
To Edit Your Settings:
1. Click Settings
2. Make any desired updates, and click Save
To Edit Criteria:
1. Click Criteria
2. Make any desired updates and click Save
3. Make any desired updates to settings and click Save