Comparative Market Analysis Reports offer insight into current market conditions and can be helpful to determining the right offering price for buyer's agents and setting an appropriate listing price for listing agents. CMAs created in Matrix will be saved for 365 days from the Last Modified date and then automatically deleted. To keep it longer, simply open or modify & save the CMA to reset for another 365 days.
To Start a CMA, begin from one of the following locations:
- Start from a set of listing result with the desired listings selected, then click CMA from the action bar.
- Select My Matrix from the main menu, then select My CMAs. Click +Start a New CMA
- Start from a contact, under the CMA tab, click on Start a New CMA
To Create a CMA from the Matrix Wizard:
Note: Navigation in the CMA occurs using the button bar across the top of the wizard. What options are active are based on selections made in Pages. You may advance forward or backward simply by clicking the option in the button bar. Your work will auto save periodically and you may click the save icon (disk) to manually save.
1. From the Start Page, select a contact from the dropdown (optional) OR click Create a New Contact to add one. Enter a description, if desired.
2. Click Pages
3. Click on the + beside any of the headings in Available Pages to expand the selections.
4. Click on individual pages to add them to the Selected Pages. Click on the heading to add all the pages under that heading to Selected Pages.
5. If desired, you may click Upload Custom Pages to browse and add pdfs from your device.
6. You may reorder pages by selecting them and using the up or down arrow to move them. Remove a selected page by clicking the X.
7. If desired, you may use the links below Selected Pages to Set as default (set your currently selected pages as your default selections for future CMAs, Restore Custom Defaults (return to the default of no selected pages), or Clear (remove all selections).
8. Click Subject
9. Select your desired method for adding a Subject Property: Click Type in the subject property fields manually to start with a blank form that you can complete. Enter an MLS ID # in the Enter a Property Listing # field to auto-fill from an existing listing and then click Fill. Or Click Search for a Property property to auto-fill from
10. If you select the 3rd option you'll go to a cross property search form where you can enter your desired criteria to search for the listing.
11. Click Results
12. Select the appropriate listing and click Fill from Selected
13. Auto filled fields on the subject property may be edited. And you may choose to add additional custom fields by clicking the arrow on the field.
14. If linking to an existing Matrix field, select the Link to a Matrix Field checkbox and then select the appropriate field to auto-fill comparable data for. Enter a custom label for the field.
15. Click OK
16. Once your custom field is entered, you may enter your desired data in the corresponding data field. Or you may edit auto-populated data if using a Matrix Field. If desired, you may click Save Custom Fields as Default to include your additions in future CMAs automatically.
17. Click Cover
18. If desired, click Fill from a Search to search for a subject property.
19. Enter or edit any of the available fields to customize the information. If desired, click Browse to upload a new subject cover photo. The optimal size for CMA cover photos is 2048 x 1536 pixels.
20. Click Comparables
21. If you have already selected comparables they will appear on this page and you may select and then click Remove Selected to delete them from the report. Otherwise you may click Find more Comparables to search for additional listings or Add from Cart to make additions. You may also choose to Print your selections.
22. Click Map
23. Map will display a preview of the comparables indicated by # that corresponds to the # column on the Comparables tab.
24. Click Adjustments
25. Enter a dollar amount or negative dollar amount to make adjustments to the comparable prices in the desired category. Note that based on screen size you may have horizontal and vertical scrollbars to aid navigation.
26. Use the arrow bars at the bottom of the column to navigate to additional items.
27. The Adj Price will automatically calculate to display the price with the adjustment.
28. Optionally you may click the View in Detail Mode link to view and adjust the listings in that display.
29. The Detail Mode screen will have a View in Single Line Mode option to allow you to return to the previous mode/view, if desired.
30. Click Pricing
31. The Pricing section contain an overview of pricing, an automatically generated Additional Analysis and an area to enter information regarding Suggested List Price (250 character maximum) and Notes (1000 character maximum).
32. Type "Here are some additional notes on the subject property, area, lifestyle amenities, walkability, etc."
33. Click Finish
34. Your CMA saves automatically throughout the process, but you may choose to click the Save icon manually save it.
35. To generate your CMA and optionally print the pdf, click View CMA. To share the CMA with a client you may click Email CMA
36. To edit your CMA you may return to any of the buttons in the wizard.
A sample CMA is attached as a pdf.