Your Matrix Data Upgrades will be available to you on November 13, 2024. These upgrades involve standardization of OneKey's listing database fields to align with the Real Estate Standards Organization's Data Dictionary. This standardization will allow for better listing data representation in downstream sources and will allow for greater innovation and adoption of technology in the future. As a result of these changes to our highly customized legacy database, some field names will change and the data in these fields may appear in different locations. For instance, the large number of options that appear under amenities, are not distributed into individual fields, making the information easier to search and understand for the consumer.
How to use the attached document to find a field:
1. Download the attached spreadsheet.
2. Open the spreadsheet
3. Hit Ctrl + F to open a find box
4. Enter the name of the field you're trying to locate
5. The matching name will be highlighted in the Legacy Field Name column, the Field Type column lets you know how it is mapped to the New Field Name. The individual property type columns (D-M) let you know if the field/lookup appears on that property type.
Spreadsheet Key
Please note that there are two sheets in the spreadsheet:
Fields - refers to the individual data field
Lookups - refers to the items appearing as options within picklist fields
Column headings:
Legacy Field Name - refers to the Matrix (pre-upgrade) field descriptor
Legacy Lookup Option - refers to options in the Matrix (pre-upgrade) lookup
Field Type - refers to how the field maps to the new database. Options are:
- TOMULTI - multi-select field
- TOSINGLE - single-select field
- TOTEXT - text field
- TOBIT - a bit field, yes/no
- TOINTEGER - a whole number field
- TODECIMAL - a number field allowing decimals
- SPECIAL - mapped to more than one field
New Field Name - refers to the upgraded field name as of November 13, 2024
New Lookup Option - refers to the upgraded lookup option as of November 13, 2024
RESI-SF - Residential Single Family Property Type
RESI COOP - Residential Cooperative Property Type
RESI CONDO - Residential Condominium Property Type
RINC Multi 2-4 - Residential Income Multi 2-4 Property Type
COMS Multi 5+ - Commercial Multi 5+ Property Type
RLSE - Rental Property Type
LAND - Land Property Type
COMS - Commercial Sale Property Type
COML - Commercial Lease Property Type
BUSO - Business Opportunity Property Type