Stratus users will be migrating to use of the Matrix platform in Q4 of 2024. Their onboarding will happen in phases so that they are able to discover what's new, prepare for what's to come, and be ready come launch. Read common user questions below. Subscribe to this article to stay abreast of updates and follow @OneKeyMLS on Facebook and Linked In to participate in upcoming Demos and Q&A events.
What are the onboarding phases and the timeline associated with them?
Phase 1: Discover (Nov 1-November 17, 2024), during this period of time users can stay tuned to email to find out about the benefits of the new system and get first looks at the features available to them.
Phase 2: Prepare (November 18, 2024 - December 2, 2024 at 5pm), also known as the parallel or prepare period when LIBOR members will have access to both Stratus and Matrix (in a read-only mode). LIBOR members will continue to use Stratus during this time to add and edit their listings. SentriLock will also not be available in Matrix until launch.
Phase 3: Launch (December 3, 2024 at 8am), this phase kicks off with cutover to using Matrix exclusively as the MLS platform. Stratus sunsets the evening of December 2 at 5pm.
Check out the printable reminder.
Where can I find checklists for what I should do in the different phases?
You can find all onboarding information in the resources hub: We’ll also be emailing you this information.
What will transfer from Stratus to Matrix?
- Your account information and role
- Agent photo
- Office logo
- Published listings and photos, virtual tours, listing documents (as far back as available)
- History - status and price changes
- Contacts
- Prospect matches (Transfers to a Saved Search in Matrix)
- Saved Searches
- Tax data
- User Ids (login ids)*
- MLS #**
* A select number of users will be notified of a new user ID. Please note that active MLS-Touch users received notice of an updated MLS-Touch user ID on November 12.
** A prefix will indicate the legacy source of transferred listings in Matrix, L for LIBOR, H for HGAR. New listings created in Matrix will not have an L or H prefix. Private listings will have a P prefix.
Check out the printable list.
What will not transfer?
- Collaborate content
- Sent email
- Saved CMAs
- Saved defaults and preferences
- Email signatures
- Carts
- Favorited listings
What should I do about what doesn't transfer?
Make digital or hard copy back ups of information that you want to preserve for your records.
When will access to Stratus stop?
Dec 2. at 5pm
Multi-factor Authentication/ID/Login
What is multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) refers to a process where you establish a second method of verifying your identity, with regard to Matrix and MLS-Touch, you will receive a single MFA email that contains your Login ID, and a link to start your enrollment process between December 18 and 19. Use the link provided to select a verification method (email or cell phone), receive and enter the verification code, and create a new password to use going forward in MLS-Touch and Matrix. The verification codes will expire on 11:59 PM on December 3. If your link has expired, you may request a new link by clicking the link in the email.
I use MLS-Touch now, will my login remain the same?
No, active MLS-Touch users will receive a multi-factor authentication (MFA) email which will allow them to enroll in more secure access to MLS-Touch. The email will come from and have the subject line: Action Required: Set up secure access to your new MLS experience. These users will receive a new login (sans "L-" prefix). They will use a link provided in the email to set up their preferred method to receive verification (email address or cell phone number), receive a verification code, and create a new password. These credentials will be used with MLS-Touch going forward and to access Matrix starting on November 18. They will not need to complete MFA for Matrix as the MLS-Touch MFA will apply to both accounts.
Will I use my Stratus ID/password to login to Matrix?
If you are not an MLS-Touch user currently, you will be getting an email on Nov 18th or 19th which includes your login ID (which will be the same as your current Stratus ID for the majority of users) and a registration link to enroll in multi-factor authentication (MFA). You will click the link to authenticate who you are and create security questions and a password. You can create your password as the Stratus password you currently use if it meets the password criteria provided on the page. For a small number of users their ID will be updated and those users will get specific communications regarding that update.
I requested a new link, will the new link look the same?
Newly requested registration links come from Otherwise the process for using the link remains the same.
Will we have the ability to get an assistant login access?
Yes, assistants have their own login (be sure to start with your LIBOR membership department).
What about brokers with dual ids? Will they still keep 2 accounts/IDs?
The goal is to get people to just one id as much as possible in the future. So brokers who previously had agents in both systems and had to have 2 separate logins should just get one login (primary) and be able to see all their agents/listings in the one system. Specific communications regarding this situation will be emailed to subscribers impacted. This will likely happen after launch, in the new year.
Can we sign into Matrix from multiple devices at the same time?
For security reasons, it's recommended that you log out of each session on your device before you proceed to another session. You do have the ability to use Matrix from a variety of smart devices: phone, tablet, computer.
Will geocoding be the same between Stratus and Matrix? Can we use village and hamlet?
We’re actively working on geocoding. Please note that Township (Stratus) = City/Town (Matrix) and
Postal City (Matrix)
What’s SFH?
Single Family Home
Right now Stratus allows us to view the Hudson listings, agent and office information. Will that continue in Matrix?
Yes, you'll have access to the same depth of information across the OneKey footprint.
Will we have access to a data dictionary?
Yes, coming soon, our team will provide data mapping documentation so that you can search fields and find the corresponding new field it maps too.
Can I access the Matrix site from my mobile device?
Yes, Matrix is mobile responsive, ie, automatically reformats screens for the size of the device. You may also choose to use the MLS-Touch app.
Do I use my Stratus ID to access MLS-Touch as my login ID?
If you are trying to create an MLS-Touch account after Nov. 18, use your Matrix ID (as provided in the MFA email) as indicated in your multi-factor authentication email (no “L-“ prefix).
Can I import contacts?
Yes, though your contacts will automatically transfer from Stratus to Matrix.
Will clients in Collaborate transfer?
No, nothing from Collaborate is transferring. Please back up information from Collaborate prior to December 2 at 5pm.
Is my clients' experience changing?
Yes the emails sent through the MLS, reports, and client portal all look different. Be sure to prepare your clients for the changes to come. Check out to check out the Client Guide and Benefits.
Can admins still edit the office’s listings?
Yes, your role and access will transfer from Matrix.
Do we need to connect listings to the public records?
Yes, if available you are required to link a tax record to your listing. (Please note if there is no tax record available than this rule does not apply. For instance, new construction or condos may not have tax records available). When you add a listing in Matrix you’ll be able to look up the tax record and start auto filling the listing from the tax record. If any information is out-of-date you’ll be able to edit or overwrite it. Listings that are not linked to a tax record will be flagged by the listing data checker as a violation if they are not linked.
Can anyone in my office edit my listings?
Only brokers and office managers, and/or admins can edit all listings in the office. You can grant other members of your office access to impersonate you or act on your behalf to do so in the Teams feature.
Will Private listings still be an option in Matrix?
Yes, you will designate private listings in add/edit with the Private Listing Y/N field.
Is supersede available as an option in Matrix?
Supersede is when you want to give current listing a new listing # but keep the original listing date -- no, that will not be an option in Matrix.
Do listings auto save?
Yes, as you work in Matrix, your listings will automatically save.
Will the option to clone be available in Matrix?
Yes, you can clone your own listings.
Can live photos be added to listings in Matrix?
Will there be new MLS data field sheets?
Yes, those are being created now.
Where can virtual tour videos be uploaded?
You can upload a virtual tour to a variety of hosting sites and then add the URL to either the virtual tour URL branded or virtual tour UFL unbranded field as appropriate in the Showing/Distribution section of the Listing Manager.
Can we crop photos in Matrix?
What is the maximum photo size?
10 MB, 1024 x 768 recommended
Prospect Matches (Stratus) / Auto Email (Matrix)
Will the prospect matches still be automatically sent out on a regular basis?
Yes, please note that your prospect matches from Stratus will transfer to Matrix as Auto Email. When you view your saved search you will be able to click a link that says Turn Saved Search into Auto Email and you’ll walk through selecting how often clients should be sent matches.
Search / Results
Will Matrix have commercial properties?
Yes, you can search for Commercial listings using the Commercial Property Type or Cross Property Type searches.
Will the displays have a link to “down payment resources” at the address level similar to Stratus?
Yes, DPR is integrated with displays.
Can I search by property tax?
Yes, add the Tax Annual Amount field to your search criteria by clicking on Additional Fields at the bottom of the screen.
Can I search by Zip Code?
Yes, separate multiple zip codes with a comma.
Can you search by school district?
Do we have access to all NY state now?
Your access remains the same.
How do you find mixed use properties?
Use the Cross Property Type Search by accessing Search from the Main Menu, select More, select Cross Property
Will listing numbers remain the same?
Yes, the existing listing number is the same, but listings that transfer from Stratus will be designated with a “L” prefix, for LIBOR. Listings that are transferring from HGAR will be designated with a “H” prefix. New listings created in Matrix will not have a prefix.
Are you able to search by listing date?
Yes, you may use the date or days field beside the status to search by listing date.
How can I search by short sales?
Select short sale in the Special Listing Conditions field.
How can I search my office's inventory?
From the main navigation, click on Market Reports, and select Office Production and Inventory
How can we access historical data beyond two years old?
Data will not be archived after two years in Matrix, so you can search by any desired feature.
How can I search for foreclosures, short sales, and/or real estate owned (REO) properties? Or exclude them from my results?
Use the Special Listing Conditions field to select your desired options to include in your criteria. Exclude these items by choosing the NOT radio button underneath the field.
Do I have to include branding on print outs?
No, you have the option to include headers or footers on listing reports from the print menu.
How can agents see their client’s OneHome portal?
Agents can go directly to or in the Matrix links click OneHome Agent Website allows you to see ALL your contacts OneHome Sites. You can also visit a specific site from My Matrix / Contacts, click on a specific listing, then click on OneHome.
How do we invite clients to OneHome?
Your contacts are automatically invited when you email them listings through Matrix.
Must clients create an account to use OneHome?
They can view listings you send them without an account, but to utilize all of the features such as saving searches, creating favorites, sending notes, etc, they'll need to create an account.
Does anyone except buyer's agent and buyer see the PropertyFit score?
No, the client portal and it's related information is private to the buyer and their agent.
Can you make it so only the agent sees the PropertyFit score and not the buyer?
No, that's not currently an option.
Can I get a daily summary of my client's OneHome activity?
Yes, you can set up your notification preferences by going to your name in the top right of the screen, selecting Settings from the dropdown, and clicking Client Portal Notification.
Can a buyer work with multiple agents in OneHome?
The listings and portal experience is unique between one agent and their buyer, but a buyer can have multiple instances within OneHome. They'll be able to toggle between those agent instances using a dropdown in the OneHome menu.
Will we be able to see what listings we are sending to someone?
Yes, you can copy yourself on email and you’ll be able to view what’s sent through My Matrix / Send Email
Do we have the ability to text listings if that’s the client’s preference?
Yes, you can text listings via the email option (on the results page action bar) in Matrix.
Can I export listings to send to my clients?
Yes, there is an export function for Matrix Results. You can also use the Share Link function to create a static list to share with a client.
Public Records / Tax / Realist
Does Public Records contain the carrier routes?
No, that information is not included in the records.
Other OneKey Products and Services
Will previous Instanet / Authentisign transactions be impacted?
There is no change to TransactionDesk (provider of Instanet and Authentisign)
Will Instanet be able to upload listings?
That functionality is not integrated between Instanet and Matrix.
What tool is replacing Collab in terms of mobile app and client portal?
MLS-Touch is a mobile application where you can share information with your customers. But Matrix also is mobile responsive. You can access Matrix from a browser on a mobile device to share listings with your clients as well. And OneHome is the client collaboration portal. When you share listings with a client they can be accessed by the client in OneHome from a mobile device or desktop computer. As their agent you can view their activity and the portal.