Tax records can provide you with a wealth of information to guide the buying and selling process. A lot of research can be done within Matrix or in Realist. For just about any property within your MLS area, you can get data such as owner information, tax assessment, sales history, flood maps, foreclosures, and more! You can also print mailing labels for your marketing efforts. This 1-hour webinar will also introduce you to such tools as a “Sell Score”, RealAVM (Automated Value Model), community demographics, mailing labels, and so much more. Realist or the Public Record search in Matrix may be your go-to source after attending this webinar.
Questions that will be answered:
1. Why search Public Records in Matrix instead of Realist?
2. Why use Realist instead of Public Records in Matrix?
3. How do you create mailing labels for my marketing campaign?
4. How can I find comparable properties?
5. Can I assess information such as community insights, market trends, rental trends, and a neighborhood profile?
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