The mission of RETechnology™ is to help every real estate professional take advantage of technology more effectively, so they can become more successful. Take advantage of your access to RETechnology™ and its wealth of agent and broker content focused on the latest applications, services, and products that serve real estate. Your access to REtechnology™ is included in your OneKey® MLS subscription and includes access to product reviews and webinars. For non-subscribers, this account is valued at $199/year. An account must be created to access the site and receive newsletters.
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1. Visit the RETechnology OneKey MLS page
2. Enter First Name, Last Name, Email, and Confirm Email in the designated fields.
3. Enter and Confirm a Password in the designated fields.
4. Select OneKey MLS from the Select Your MLS field.
5. Select or deselect desired Newsletters to receive (by default you are opted in to all: Daily, Weekly, and News Flash options).
6. Select the checkbox beside "I Agree to RET's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy"
7. Click Create Account
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