You can easily add and edit your documents in Matrix from within the Listing Manager in the ADD/EDIT menu. Files may be up to 10 MB file size. Add your documents while you enter your listing, to incomplete listings, or to published listings. Listing agents can learn more below.
To Add Documents:
1. From your listing, in the Matrix Listing Manager, click Documents
2. Click Add Supplements
3. Select the document Type from the dropdown.
4. Enter a descriptor in the Description field.
5. Click Choose in the File field and browse for your file
6. Once you've selected your file Click Upload
To Edit your documents:
1. From the Documents in your listing, click the check box in the top corner of documents to select them
2. Click the Actions drop down select from your options: Select All, Clear All, Delete All
Click the three dots beside a listing size and choose from the options: Move Forward, Move Backward, Download, or Delete
Click the 4 direction icon and drag and drop your documents in the desired order.