Emailing listings to your client is an effective way to facilitate your client’s home buying process. Your email sent through Matrix is saved and associated with your contact so you can easily find, and review content and listings sent. You have the option of sending an email in both Classic and New versions of Matrix Search.
To Email and Text listings in Classic:
1. Once you have a listing that you would like to send, click the checkbox to select. Click Email
2. Enter the email address of the recipient, the subject and message of the email. You can also search by name for a contact and select the appropriate option. Click Send. To also send as a text message click Also send link via SMS text message. Note: A contact must have a phone number saved in Matrix to utilize this option.
To Email and Text listings in New Matrix Search:
1. Click the checkbox to select a listing. Click Send
2. Enter the email address of the recipient, the subject of the email and message or search by name for a contact and select the appropriate option. Under "Options", you can choose to send a copy to yourself. Select either send as a portal link to share dynamic information through OneHome or a static PDF report. Then click Send. To also send as a text message click Also send link via SMS text message.