Forgot your password? Need help logging in? Follow the steps below to quickly reset your password and log into Stratus. Please note it may take up to 2 minutes for the system to update your password once a change has been made.
To reset your password from the Login screen
1. At the OneKey Stratus Login screen, click on Forgot Password?
2. Open your email associated with your Stratus account and copy or click the reset link.
3. Enter your User ID, and New Password
Passwords must meet the following criteria:
- Passwords may not be less than 8 characters.
- Passwords may not exceed 20 characters.
- A new password must not match the current or last used password.
- Passwords must contain a number.
- Passwords must contain a letter.
- Passwords may not consist of first initial followed by last name.
- Passwords are case sensitive.
Confirm Password then click Reset Password.
4. Navigate to LIRealtor
5. Click on Stratus from the top menu(top right corner).
6. Login with your new password